Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Homecoming 2005

Well Homecoming 2005 is done. The week was a long one for us. Besides doing my regular job as registrar, I worked on the project grad video so I had to shoot video of the noontime games. It was funny watching students do weird relays. On Wednesday night I helped create or annual "Flaming K"”. These are the pictures connected with the blog. Another teacher and I had to wrap the "K"”, move it to the field, put the fuel on the "K"”” and lifting it into place, and finally just watching it catch on fire. This is a strange tradition for me since we burn our letter and not much rah rah for beating the other teams like at NC. Finally we had a game against out rivals Kalani. The game was great since we won the game and the players did well. Oh yea, this should be funny to all the NC people out there, my new school colors are Blue and Gold while Kalani’s colors are read and white. What time will do to people.

Life was hard during this week since I was doing many jobs and not much sleep. The other great part of the week was Oktoberfest. I spent the night dancing and drinking and drinking with some friends. It was nice since one of my friends was in town for a funeral so it made him happy.

Other than that nothing much is going on here in Hawaii. I will keep everyone up-to-date as things happen here in Hawaii.